True Value of Eye Accessing Cues & the VAK Model – You be the Judge!
Eye Accessing
Much of the research on the EAC Model in NLP was flawed & conducted by novice experimenters. Now we know that there is much more to the model than just accessing VAKOGAd – we know that when people process information – store & retrieve & synthesize or reprocess – solidify & consolidate states & representations – that their eye accessing reflects ideodynamic movement (hypnosis) unique to them.
We also know that this needs to be calibrated to the specific experience or representation to be of real use & value in shifting or transforming experience. We also know that in general we can predict how the person is representing with their eyes their experience (once we have calibrated) – including accessing & recalling information – constructing & reconstructing representations & accessing states, memories, etc.
When you are skilled & practiced at tracking & detecting eye accessing patterns (& processes) you possess a very unique skill – one that seems almost “magical” in nature. You can begin to predict “what is going on” for & with the client. Once you validate it is a huge rapport builder & is what we know as pacing – a highly valuable hypnotic tool of influence required to begin to lead the client to even better representations & more transformations (trance-formations too).
It is hardly likely that we can expect novice experimenters or researchers to understand fully the true value & purposes of the EAC & VAK model’s especially when used in tandem with grace & skill & high level expertise & decades of detailed work with these models.
Do not leave your judgement of the value of these models in the hands or minds those who have little to no clue as to their value & application or who have little to no training in neuro-linguistic programming or hypnosis (& other NeuroTechnics). Seek a masterful trainer or master trainer – or come to a training with me & I will teach you how to use these models with power & elegance you will likely not achieve anywhere else on the planet.
Believe me, with close supervision & detailed experience & practice you can achieve a high level of expertise with these models & predict & work with eye accessing & the VAK Model to make deep transformative & generative if not evolutionary change not only in the lives of others but yours as well.