Elvis Lester

Evolve Your Performance & Exceed Your Dreams!

Sign up for a Free Consultation for Coaching & Change Sessions with Elvis

Neurocise® Studios Online Learning Platform Coming Soon!!!

Courses on Elvis' Systems, Models & Methods - Live Online & Guided Online Lessons - Audio-Video Recordings Galore


Licensed Mental Health Counselor (State of Florida – MH2221)
Licensed Master Trainer of NLP In Hypnosis™
Advanced Master Eye Movement Trainer (AMEMT)
First-Ever & Only Licensed NLP ChangeMaster™ (as Designated by Dr. Richard Bandler – Co-Founder of NLP)
Qualified Teacher of Hypnosis (State of FL) – Qualified Supervisor (State of FL)
Creator & Advanced Master Trainer of Neurocise® & NeuroTrancework™, EMERGE™, Eye Movement Emergence™, Guided Eye Movement Strategies™ (GEMS™), Psynergetics™ & Identity Evolution™ – Identity Coaching™


Elvis began his studies & training in psychology at the University of Florida (1977). He immersed himself in the study of NLP & Hypnosis in 1985 via practicum research/study while completing his Masters Degree at the University of South Florida. He obtained his Mental Health Counselor License in 1987 (State of Florida) having been supervised by Dr. Dorothea Hover (Co-Founder of the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology & Founding Elder of Healing Touch) in methods such as Gestalt, Creative Visualization, Guided Imagery, Healing Touch, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) & Energy Work. In 1989 Elvis attended a Licensed Practitioner of NLP training where he met & trained for the first time with Dr. Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP). At this time he was already studying Ericksonian Hypnosis & began training at the Milton Erickson Foundation (Phoenix, AZ – attending Basic-Intermediate-Advanced Modules) & continued to train with the association Milton Erickson started – ASCH (American Society of Clinical Hypnosis) in Hypnosis. He later acquired his Master Practitioner Training & Trainers Training (1993) via the Society of NLP (Dr. Richard Bandler), Advanced Hypnotherapy Training with Richard Bandler & is one of the few who have reached Level 9 in Design Human Engineering™. Elvis has also trained & hosted trainings with the “first-ever” Licensed Master Trainer of NLP – Ed Reese, MSW, LCSW & Maryann Reese, MA, LMFT – who have been & continue to be great friends & mentors to Elvis. With over 35+ years of private practice & changework & trancework, Elvis has created many models including Neurocise®, EMERGE™ (Eye Movement Emergence Reemergence & Guided Expression™), Eye Movement Emergence™, Guided Eye Movement Strategies™ (GEMS™), EyePointing™ & NeuroPointing™, Psynergetics™, NeuroTrancework™ & so much more. He trains & certifies others in these models & methods & does exquisite changework & trancework at the Neurocise® Studios in Tampa, FL. Email elvis@elvislester.com

Elvis Lester, MA, LMHC, NCC, MAC, AMEMT is a Society approved Licensed Master Trainer of NLP® In Hypnosis™. Participants who complete the Licensed Practitioner & Licensed Master Practitioner Programs are approved by Dr. Richard Bandler & the Society of NLP. Upon completion of the course & required competency testing you are potentially eligible to receive your license for the specific program you attended & completed. You will be registered with the Society of NLP officially & able to attend Society approved programs internationally towards completion of Licensed programs.

Elvis Intros 2025 Events & Services

Upcoming LIVE Events with Elvis

Each person interested in attending a certification training is required to apply and have a discovery call with Elvis Lester (Advanced Master Trainer). Once you have applied for the training of your choice and completed your call with Elvis Lester  to complete your registration & application – You may then register/Pay (via Stripe) for Live trainings by clicking “Buy Tickets” for the training of your choice. Call 813-221-5466 or email elvis@elvislester.com for more information on trainings. To register for the webinars, you do not need a discovery call. You may go ahead and register for the webinar of your choice.

Elvis is conducting training on Neurocise®, Hypnosis & NLP focusing on Changework & Trancework & Personal Evolution & Psyperformance™. Here are a few of the models he offers: Neurocise® & NeuroTrancework™, Psynergetics™, Psygienics™ & Eye Movement Therapies – EMERGE™ (Eye Movement Emergence Reemergence & Guided Expression™), Guided Eye Movement Strategies™ (GEMS™) , Identity-Evolution™ & Coaching™, Conversational NLP™ & Conversational Trance™. These are just a few of the programs & services that he provides through his workshops, webinars, live streaming,, recordings (audio & video), online learning platform & other endeavors.

All trainings listed below are conducted by Elvis Lester, MA, LMHC, NCC, MAC AMEMT personally unless otherwise indicated. Elvis Lester is a Qualified Teacher of Hypnosis (State of FL) and a Qualified Supervisor (LHMC – State of FL).

Contact Elvis via email & discuss your interest in the programs.

He will contact you within 24 hours (if not sooner) to personally handle your training registration, answer any questions you may have about fit & function & how to tailor your experience for maximum achievement!

Thank you and once again, WELCOME to Neurocise® Studios!

Download our 2025 LIVE IN-PERSON Events ScheduleVisit Webinars.biz for 2025 Upcoming WEBINARS!
March 15, 2025 (Saturday)
Neurocise® Studios, Tampa, FL - 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606
EyePointing™ & NeuroPointing™ for Personal Evolution (In-Person) - March 15, 2025 (1-Day) - $149 - 7 CEs - CE Broker Tracking#: 20-1281822. Here, you will learn how to use Eye Movement as a system & make change & transformation systematically, easily & quickly. Elvis will demonstrate multiple patterns of eye movement & conduct exercises with the audience. You will leave with key skills & advanced techniques to effectively work with memory, internal representations, mental & emotional states & more.
9:00am - 6pmBuy Tickets
April 5-6 (Saturday-Sunday)
Neurocise® Studios, Tampa, FL - 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606
Secrets of Changework & Trancework - 2-Day: Using the Power Skills of NLP, Hypnosis & Neurocise® & Guided Eye Movement Strategies™ (GEMS) for Profound Transformation (In-Person) - April 5-6- (2-Day) - Price: $199 - This training provides you a look at 'the power therapies" you should have learned about but probably did not... Yet! Attend this training to learn how to conduct changework to collapse limiting states, utilize eye movement to create new desired states & how to determine & work with your own personal patterns & those of your clients for well-being, dealing with issues such as stress, trauma, "problematic memories" or historical issues. You will leave with an understanding of the 'basics' & the powerful "psynergy" of NLP, Hypnosis & Neurocise® & a grasp for how Eye Movement is an essential skill to possess in changework. PRICE - 16 CEs. CE Broker Tracking #: 20-1281825. This course meets the standards for approval of continuing education courses set forth in Rule 64B4-6.002, F.A.C, & is taught by a qualified teacher of hypnosis as defined in Rule 64B4-7.003.
9:00am - 6pmBuy Tickets
May 2-3, (Friday-Saturday)
Neurocise® Studios, Tampa, FL - 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606
Neurocise®, Psygiene™ & Psynergetics™ for Personal Evolution (In-Person) - May 2-3, (2-Day) - $199 - 14 CEs. CE Broker Tracking #: . Come learn how to work with "higher-order" processes such as evaluation, perception, relations that clients create for themselves that help or hinder their results. Elvis is an expert at meta-interventions to assist you in learning how to create +Meta-Responses with clients & yourself. This is a profound set of skills you will utilize in most all of your changework & trancework.
9:00am - 6pmBuy Tickets
June 12-16, 2025 - 5-Days (Thurs..-Mon.) w/ Group SuperVision (online) - Call 813-221-5466 to register for both modules. Price $1800
Neurocise® Studios, Tampa, FL - 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606
EMERGE™ Practitioner Certification - 5-Day Intensive - Eye Movement Emergence Reemergence & Guided Expression - 44 + 6 CEs (group supervision). CE Broker Tracking #:. Come learn about how you can utilize tried & proven eye movement patterning & eye scanning to make lasting and profound changes perceptually, conceptually and emotionally. Here we will work directly with how you access information & memories, & how you create representations internally. These skills will allow you to transform the way you sense & perceive how you think & feel mentally, emotionally & physically. In this workshop you will be doing trance & experiential exercises & you will leave with a system to gain more mental & emotional state control & run your brain with more elegance & mastery of your own internal processes. This course meets the standards for approval of continuing education courses set forth in Rule 64B4-6.002, F.A.C, & is taught by a qualified teacher of hypnosis as defined in Rule 64B4-7.003.
9:00am - 7pmBuy Tickets
August 22-25, (Friday-Monday)
Neurocise® Studios, Tampa, FL - 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606
Become a Certified Identity Coach™ (CIC) - Identity-Pointing™ - Identity Evolution™ +Identity-Forming™ & iVIBES Modeling™ 4-day Training (In-Person) - August 22-25, (4-Day) - $699 - 34 CEs. CE Broker Tracking #: . Become a Certified Identity Coach™: Introducing Identity-Pointing™, Identity-Evolution™, +Identity-Forming™ & iVIBES Modeling . Join Elvis as he immerses you in higher order changework & trancework introducing Identity-Pointing - Identity Evolution +Identity-Forming & iVIBES Modeling. You'll learn to work with & form meta-responses, meta-processes, meta-representation, meta-linguistics & the very processes that help us to form our identities & drive our responses. Elvis will teach you exercises, techniques, immerse you in trance & changework processes that will empower you to conduct & guide multi-level interventions.
9:00am - 7pmBuy Tickets
Dates TBA (Saturday)
Neurocise® Studios, Tampa, FL - 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606
PsySpa™ - A Time of Trance, a time to "Take Care of Trance" and take care of you - inside and out. Come join Elvis for multiple trance experiences that have a true purpose... to attune and attenuate your states - Zero Balance Pointing and then setting to Desired State... with more Calm, Comfort, Peace - Relaxation & Pampering Your Unconscious (1-Day) - $149 - 4 CEs
1pm - 5pmBuy Tickets
Dates TBA - 5-Days (Thurs.-Mon.) with Group SuperVision (online). Call 813-221-5466 to Register for both modules.
Neurocise® Studios, Tampa, FL - 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606
EMERGE™ Master Practitioner Certification - Both Module 1 & 2 (5-Days) - Eye Movement Emergence Reemergence & Guided Expression - 44 + 6 CEs (group supevision). This is an advanced applications training where you will receive close supervision & guidance in the use of protocols, patterns & EMERGE™ models & methods.
9:00am - 7pmBuy Tickets
Dates TBA (Thurs.-.Mon.) - 5-Days
Neurocise® Studios, Tampa, FL - 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606
Certified Neurocise® Practitioner 42.5 CEs - 5-days. This course includes Psynergetics, Identity Evolution & NeuroTrancework. Focus: integration of Neurocise®, NLP & Hypnosis for powerful "Change & Trance" - Psychotherapeutic & Hypnotherapeutic Applications. Models introduced & taught: Psynergetics™, EyePointing™, NeuroPointing™ & NeuroTrancework™
9:00am - 7pmBuy Tickets
Dates TBA (Thurs.-Sun.) - 4-Days AND DATES TBA (Thurs.-Sun.) - 4-Days
Neurocise® Studios, Tampa, FL - 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606
Licensed Practitioner of NLP In Hypnosis™ - 56 CEs - This course meets the standards for hypnosis with the approval of continuing education courses set forth in Rule 64B4-6.002, F.A.C, & is taught by qualified teacher and hours awarded are identified in the program bulletin or listing on the website defined in Rule 64B4-7.003.
8:30am - 6pmBuy Tickets

Certification is available through the following courses:

Certified EMERGE™ Practitioner (CEP)

Certified Neurocise® Practitioner (CNP)

Certified Identity Coach™ (CIC)

Licensed Practitioner of NLP In Hypnosis™

Both you & your unconscious will deeply appreciate the learning experiences. ;>)

E. Keith Lester, PA is an approved provider of CEUs by the State Of Florida – Division of Medical Quality Assurance – BAP#289 – CE Broker#-50-1190 – Exp. 3/2027 for Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists & Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHC, LMFT, LCSW), Nurses (FBON & Georgia) & Licensed Psychologists & Limited Licensed Psychologists.

Your Master Trainer: All trainings are conducted by Elvis Lester, MA, LMHC, NCC, MAC, AMEMT (Advanced Master Eye Movement Trainer). Elvis is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Qualified Teacher of Hypnosis (State of FL) & a Qualified Supervisor (State of FL). Elvis demonstrates how to access states of empowerment, relaxation & flow for optimum & High Performance & he will model excellence for you in how to work with Neurocise®, Eye Movement Therapy & Coaching, NLP & Hypnosis utilizing the Well-Formed Conditions Model for success & change. Elvis is the First-Ever (& Only) Licensed Master Trainer of NLP In Hypnosis™ & Licensed NLP Change Master™ (Designated by Dr. Richard Bandler & the Society of NLP). With his wealth of knowledge & background in mental health, performance improvement & persuasion & motivation, Elvis will inspire you to not only learn but to apply in the moment what you know & maximize your achievement & personal freedom. More choice + skills leads you to higher excellence & strikes your commitment to your various pathways to mastery. Come train with Elvis & learn from his experience & models he has created mixing & blending the wonderful skills of hypnosis & NLP as well as his own models of Neurocise®.

Courses are Intended For: Mental Health & Healing Arts Professionals & those who conduct personal change & coaching sessions or focus on personal/professional performance improvement, communication, relationship enrichment & the advancement of overall mental health & well-being. Courses meet the standards for approval of continuing education courses set forth in Rule 64B4-6.002, F.A.C, & are taught by qualified teacher of hypnosis as defined in Rule 64B4-7.003 – Elvis Lester, MA, LMHC, NCC, MAC, AMEMT.

Neurocise® Studios

Audio & Video – Live & Online Training & More

Neurocise® Studios is a fully equipped audio & video recording training facility complete with audio & video broadcasting capabilities for live streaming. The Studio is fit to seat 25 people comfortably. Neurocise® Studios is located in the Edgewater Building just off Bayshore Boulevard – 600 S. Magnolia Ave., Suite 160, Tampa, FL 33606. This is a wonderful location that provides you a destination experience situated just by the bay near Davis Island. And, of course, you have the best of Tampa awaiting to be explored (Channelside, Harbor Island, South Howard, Hyde Park, Ybor City, the Tampa Aquarium, Tampa Museum of Arts and the Amalie Forum) just a trolley ride away. Also remember, we are less than an hour away from the white sandy pristine beaches of St. Petersburg, Clearwater & more! Parking is available on the street & at the corner of Magnolia Ave. & Deleon in the Edgewater Building private parking lot. There are handicap parking spaces on the East side of the building. There is a wheelchair ramp for access to the building.

Call 813-221-5466 for assistance.

Neurocise Studios Online Learning Coming Soon!!!

Courses on Elvis' Models & Methods - Audio-Video Recordings Galore

Preview Videos On Vimeo by ElvisNeurocise Podcast with Elvis on Anchor

Services: Changework – Coaching – Counseling – Consulting

Elvis Lester, MA, LMHC, NCC, MAC, AMEMT (Advanced Master Eye Movement Trainer) offers Coaching – Changework & TranceWork – Personal or Professional Consulting at companies/organizations – Training in Neurocise®, EMERGE™, Guided Eye Movement Strategies™ (GEMS™) & Eye Movement Emergence™, Psynergetics™, Identity Evolution™, NLP, Hypnosis & more at Neurocise® Studios in Tampa, Florida (just off Bayshore Blvd.). He is also available for coaching & counseling online through Zoom or telephone. Elvis can be reached via email to set up a time to discuss your interests. You may call 813-221-5466 to speak with him directly.


Contact Elvis now to schedule a one-on-one personal session to establish & fulfill your “Path to Success & integrate your learnings from the past.” Elvis will schedule a one-on-one session with you at a time that is convenient to help you get what you want & live your life from “who you really are” capable of being, becoming & DOING.

Schedule a 15 minute consultation with Elvis via Calendly.

Take advantage of this opportunity! Schedule your first contact with Elvis!
With Identity-Coaching™, Neurocise®, Psynergetics™, NLP & Hypnosis, Elvis has blended just the right mix of services to assist you in removing any blocks or binds on your mind & overcome past limitations or seeming barriers that may have previously kept you from accessing the resources, states, strategies & skills to focus, power up, move ahead & embody the changes & transformation you so desire.