NLP – Working & Playing at the Meta Levels of Mind
NLP as a technology allows us to focus on the “structure of subjective experience” at the level of “simple/pure” states, perceptual abilities, tracking of consciousness including the Recursive nature of it – what is often referred to as Self-Reflexivity (Alfred Korzybski).
Mastery of complex states (layered, mixed, chained, sequenced, nested, etc.) & their systemic nature, is but one of the conceptual abilities we often seek to extend along with & the ability to “jump” logical levels into the so-called “meta levels” of processing & patterning.
The benefits of having the ability to “go meta” to address issues, to model & to conduct change & trance is well noted in the field of NLP (& hypnosis). There’s really no disputing that.
What we do in NLP allows us all access to work directly with what we call beliefs systems, value systems, reference & viewpoints that drive & determine how we conceptualize, identify (& over-identify), objectify & thus create “maps” of the very structure of consciousness (approximating its streaming as it is).
We even have the very ability to generate what we call “Identity” allowing us to drive & govern even the simplest of states we manifest, our perceptual filters & abilities & of course an a sundry of various meta level processes & functions (in & out of trance – some may call “other-than-conscious”).
- Identification
- Objectification
- Evaluation
- Meaning Assignment
- Assignment of Value(s) to experience(s)
- Meta Positions & Moves
- Meta Programs & their effect on functioning
- Structural Design & Strategy Modeling (meta responsing)
- Mega-States
The Coaching of Excellence utilizes the meta levels & the interplay between them allowing us to interface with them in ways that are revolutionary & evolutionary in nature.
And, we have yet to mention “Meta Representation & Meta Cognition”.
In working with the “higher levels” many make note of the powers (& evoke change) we have to “flex” that shifts the “above & beyond” (identity, value, evaluation, meaning, intention, intensity of emotion as well). And some even say that working at the “higher levels” is more than likely some of the stuff that makes “change stick” – If that is at all possible.