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Change & Trance – A Little Coaching Anyone…

By January 15, 2024No Comments

Are You Ready to Learn – to Change & TransForm…?

People must be able to…

  • Attend – BE CONSCIOUS ENOUGH to – Direct Attention
  • Control Attention – Select what to Attend to & Manage Attention
  • Make Decisions as to what to See-Hear-Feel-Do with more intention by design.
  • Take Decisive &Correct Action to achieve Desired Outcomes or results

We can honestly say that the issues that stick with clients – including those that are not-so-good – ARE “MEMORIES” or “habit-forms” – neural imprints they are continuing to rely upon – that continue to define them – likely non-conscious or unconsciously.

  • We must think on our feet as coaches, counselors or consultants.
  • We must help clients to Create & Generate Responses that are Well-formed.

If a person isn’t “changing”, it’s likely a result of not shifting memory, a ‘habit-form’ or a behavioral response THEY ARE DOING or continue to do – that is likely non-conscious – outside conscious awareness (Covert) – Getting them to be more conscious, alert & aware – making good decisions in a great state at these control points or choice points & respond in positive & productive ways that meet their desired outcomes & goals.

With NEUROCISE® including coaching or training sessions…

We help guide what engages & what expresses to get at the ideas that are better for the client as to experience. Yes, it is true that we are sometimes non-conscious – which makes what we are doing somewhat uncontrollable vs. conscious & in control of our responses. If material or processes are interfering with our goals & outcomes & desired behavior or responses – then, first, we may assist the client by increasing awareness of what is going on or transpiring.

We do not have control if it is non-conscious unless we are using interventions that deal indirectly with the unconscious processes (hypnosis). IF NON-CONSCIOUS – IT IS NOT SO CONTROLLABLE or ‘changeable’.

WITHIN YOUR CONTROL – means it is likely CONSCIOUS & we are aware of it & able to make a decision & take action as a result of being aware of its engagement or expression. Is the response within your ability to initiate & start & maintain – or to Stop or Exit a response pattern or strategy?

  • You must “Exercise Your Ability to Begin or End or Maintain or Exit a Response” – that is not positive – not well-formed. This is also ‘the problem’.

Again, CONSCIOUS means that we are more aware of what is going on & that we are more likely able to make a better decision & take more specific action as a result of being aware of its engagement or expression.

People who come into therapy or hypnotherapy or for coaching either have what is referred to as Conscious Incompetence (CI) – knowing they are not or can’t control or direct what they are doing well enough on their own at that time – & that they are in need of or desire/require help to do so or “Unconscious Incompetence” – not knowing what they are doing that leads them to experience “the problems” they are experiencing (likely not even knowing they do not know). A person may seek help at this point of awareness & be guided to Conscious Competence (CC) where they learn skills & techniques or make changes in their behaviors or actions that lead to them to know – to know they know – what the issues or challenges are in their lives & how to shift or work with them as they become more conscious of their competence & to do with what they know (Knowledge to Action) towards more Mastery in their lives.

Services: Coaching – Counseling – Changework – Consulting
Call Elvis at 813-221-5466 & get more information on how his services can be of profound value to you.

Elvis Lester

Author Elvis Lester

Elvis Lester is the Owner of Neurocise Studios. He is the creator or multiple models for human excellence & achievement technologies.

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