Elvis Lester In Neurocise® Neurocise®, NLP & Hypnosis for Stress Reduction Neurocise®, NLP, Hypnosis for Stress Reduction Many things in life cause stress & we all… Read More
Elvis Lester In Neurocise® Neuro-Circuits = Structure Circuits = Structure "We are neurostructuring all the time." Neural Arcing (occurring) Circuit Patterning (of...Read More
Elvis Lester In Neurocise® Wrapping Conscious Mind Around Unconscious Mind Regarding the so-called 'unconscious' 'mind', it sounds like it is so big that it cannot be put into a wheelbarrow. Wow! What a nominalization. Right?! Elvis Lester Oh yes, let’s not forget… “The Unconscious Mind is really a process.” “Yes, it is...Read More
Elvis Lester In Coaching, Eye Movement Therapy & Coaching, Hypnosis, Neurocise®, NeuroTrancework, NLP, Training Express™ Welcome to the Neurocise Studios Express! Express Yourself At the very heart of our development...Read More